I wonder as I wander ...down the hallway --- sorry, but seriously, sometimes I wonder if I think a little too much about ice cream. I was stumbling down the hallway to grab the crying baby at 2:30 in the morning when a rogue thought dashes across my head --- Carrot Cake Ice Cream! Would it work? would it rock? or would it be a disgusting mess?
I'm not sure I've ever met a carrot cake I didn't eat. Sure, they can't all be wonderful, but man oh man do I love carrot cake. I remember when the budget was tight in college, we use to buy these cheap cake kits that came with carrot cake mix and a paper tray. All you had to do was add water and bake. Half for me and half for my wife, now that was a tasty lunch!
So, has anyone ever tried carrot cake ice cream? I don't think I've ever seen it, so I did a quick google search and the first company that came up was Whitey's out of Illinois. Seems Carrot Cake is one of their limited fall flavors. It's a shame shipping ice cream is so expensive, I'm always happy to try a new brand of ice cream.
Now, to my point (besides carrot cake) -- Somehow, Whitey's ships milkshakes!! I have to ask, how??? not only do they just ship milkshakes, but you can pick from tons of flavors! Now that's just super cool, and if I didn't have two kids, I might consider blowing a hundred bucks just to see what it's like ....ok, maybe not, but I can tell myself I would so I feel just a little bit more adventurous....
You had me at "Carrot Cake Ice Cream!" I'm in the same tub as you...I've never met a carrot cake that didn't make it's way into my belly. Trader Joe's used to have this amazing loaf of one in a blue tray...the one they have now is okay but the old one was AMAZING. You know....I even like the Costco one...it's SO cheap too. I will be waiting anxiously for your review of the ice cream.
I've never had a bad carrot cake!