Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blue Bunny Champ! Mini Swirls
Vanilla & Birthday Party Treat Review

[New for 2011] Less than two weeks ago, our buds over at Blue Bunny contacted me about checking out some of their latest and greatest creations. I was ever so happy to accept, and so last Wednesday a container arrived filled with 2 containers of ice cream, a container of frozen yogurt, and two boxes of the new Champ! Mini swirl treats.

Ok, before we begin, what is rule #1 of any cone based treat? It's gotta be crunchy!

The first box is the "Vanilla" flavor, which is a name that I'm not sure does justice to "swirls of creamy vanilla flavored reduced fat ice cream dipped in milk chocolate flavored coating all inside a CRUNCHY sugar cone". Ok, they don't capitalize CRUNCHY, but I'm holding them to it. There are ten in the box, each clocking in at 2.25 fluid ounces.

The other box is the "Birthday Party" flavor, and this time the name says it all. We've got "swirls of birthday cake flavored reduced fat ice cream with a thick inner swirl of blue frosting dipped in white chocolate coating & colorful confetti sprinkles all inside a crunchy sugar cone". I don't even need to taste these to know that they are going to be huge with the kids. I mean, how much more fun can you stuff into a cone?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dubba's Ice Cream Hunting Guide
O'Hare Airport Edition

Greetings everyone. I apologize for the lack of reviews, but unfortunately business trips tends to burn up a lot of time. You have to get all your regular work done, plus prep for the trip, plus all the extra work during the trip. Throw in the fact that I'm trying to minimize my time away from home, and well, you wind up with a lot of work and not alot of blogging.

Now, that's not to say that I didn't try to plan ahead for my trip to the Chicago suburbs. In fact, Indy Eater of was nice enough to give me a few tips before I left. My "big" plan was to hit up Culver's on one day, and Steak 'n Shake on the other to see if Indy Eater was right that Culver's shakes are much better. Well.... that didn't happen. The first day we checked out a place called "Frankly Yours" where I tried a double dog. How could I resist such a fun sounding treat? It uses Vienna Beef hot dogs which seems to be the staple of every hot dog joint we saw. It wound up being two thin hot dogs in one bun with some fresh condiments on top. It was tasty, but not exactly special. The next day I had Subway. I "ate fresh", but I was unamused.

Me being me, this was not the end of the road. I was not ready to except defeat so I wandered the area near my hotel (on foot since my boss had the car). Great, I found a convenience store! Oh what wonderful treats will I find! Hmmm, the nestle cabinet is empty, but there must be more... there it is, a small freezer full of..... NOOOO! Ben & Jerry's??? And Breyers? Seriously?? I didn't fly 850 miles for Ben & Jerry's. I made another lap around the store but there was nothing local here. How disappointing.

You know what that means, there is but one chance for me to score some ice cream: the airport! That's right, there is but one giant international airport between me and ice cream glory. They must have local stuff right?

Finding Ice Cream at O'Hare Airport

There was almost a four hour difference between my flight and my boss's flight. Since he's got the car, that means I have a lot of time to waste. Now, originally I had planned to read a book during this time, but with my epic failing so far, I needed to find something to make up for all this traveling. As a bonus to wandering terminals 1, 2 and 3, it would give me the chance to find some presents to bring home to the family (pretty sure that's an unwritten business trip rule).

I started my journey in concourse B, terminal 1, which is home to a big ol' dinosaur. See my flight was leaving from concourse C (terminal 1), so I decided to head on over to terminal 2.

Well, what do we have hear in the section joining terminals 1 and 2? It's a Johnny Rockets! Ok, technically I haven't had one of their shakes yet, but I was hoping for something a little more local. Let's keep looking.

As I enter the older Terminal 2, I am greeted by the Halsted Food Fare. A TCBY? They may be "the country's best yogurt", but they have long since reduced their forces in New England. I really want ice cream, so I continue onward and start wandering down concourses one at a time.

Oh, I should stop and mention that there are several McDonald's scattered throughout the airport, so if I was really desperate, I could always get a shake there (but I won't!)

B-Smooth? It's tied into Burrito Beach and seems to specialize in non-dairy things... I'm outta here!

Oh man, this is just depressing. Where is all the ice cream? How many millions of people fly in and out of this place and there's not one decent ice cream stand? Really? People spend billions on ice cream and I can't find any. Trust me, I've been looking. I've even been looking at the little food stands everywhere and the best they do is yogurt or a yogurt parfait. I mean, of all the food stands, only a few even carried chocolate milk. I am so disappointed... I am also immensely tired from my journey through terminals 2 and 3. It's getting late.

Time to pick up some presents, a shake, and head home. My little buddy gets himself a United 747 toy. My daughter gets a neat looking Chicago PEACE t-shirt, and for my wife? I dig up some Fannie Mae chocolates. I saw a half dozen brands of chocolate but this was the only one that was local!

Going to Johnny Rockets feels a bit like admitting defeat, but to cheer me up, I luck out with the fact that this month's Shake of the Month is Oreo Cookies N' Cream. Ahhh, maybe this won't be so bad after all. Doesn't that look tasty? And look the shake is filled up to above the top of the cup. How nice of them to overfill it for me... I sure hope nothing bad happens... like say me grabbing the cup in a rush which made the top pop off... yeah, that would really suck. It would be even worse if said cover-less shake spent the next two minutes dripping all over the floor while I spun around looking for some napkins or a bathroom. Yeah, that would suck for me, my sneakers, and whatever janitor happens to wander over here. Good thing that didn't happen, yeah, cause that would have been really embarrassing....

After stealing a stack of napkins from one of the many Starbucks littered throughout the airport, I proceeded to wander good ol' concourse B (terminal 1) as I enjoyed my shake through a straw that was way too thin. It was a pretty good shake, but it tasted more like vanilla with Oreo cookies rather than a true cookies n' cream flavor. I would also get a cookie bit jammed in my tiny straw now and then. When I was finished, I had a pile of Oreo chunks at the bottom of my cup. Hmmm, I guess that's why they had given me that spoon that I chucked in the trash.

Ok, I'm full, good thing I didn't get a burger with it. Time to meander over to my gate.

I pass Eli's Cheesecake-to-Go. Oh how my wife would be more than happy to check out some local Chicago cheesecake. I notice a fridge/freezer in the back which makes me spy something interesting on the menu: Eli's cheesecake cookie sandwich. Oh wow, now doesn't that sound unique?

This is the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and it was by far the most wonderful and fun display I saw in the whole airport. 20+ different kinds of candy coated apples. I'm sorry I didn't get a few close up shots. Different coatings, different toppings, frostings, oh so cheerful. I took a quick peek inside to see their other chocolates and again I was sad that I was full. Time to head to concourse C and call it a night.

Well what do we have hear? Oh my, after three hours of walking, I discover ice cream just a few hundred yards from my gate. Of all the wonderful Midwest ice cream companies out there, California based Edy's is the only one with a stand in Terminals 1, 2, and 3? I just don't get it. Blue Bunny is in neighboring Iowa, why don't they kick these punks out? Cedar Crest is in neighboring Wisconsin, get yourselves down here! I know I'm not exactly familiar with Midwest brands (since I have no access to them), but I know they are out there. Come on, get in here and protect your local turf!

As a disclaimer, I did a bit of research and discovered there is a Haagen-Dazs stand in terminal 5. That makes sense since Nestle owns both H-D and Edy's. I would have checked it out but you have to leave the secure area to get over to terminal 5, meaning I'd have to get through security two more times. That's way too much effort considering how tired I was.

I find a seat and patiently wait for my plane to arrive. After a last minute snack, I board my plane and so ends my four hour adventure at O'Hare airport. If this trip has taught me anything, it's that I get a kick out of checking out regional food now. I just wish I had gotten out a bit. Sure, we had dinner at a so-so sports grill Wednesday night where I learned that if something burns your tongue long enough, at some point it will make you want to, well, you know. And sure, we checked out a local boring buffet on Thursday, but I was really hoping for some regional frozen treats on my trip. Oh well, live and learn I guess. This won't be my last trip, so feel free to send in your tips before I head back again.

Monday, July 25, 2011

McDonald's Fruit & Yogurt Parfait
( it's new to me! )

Well, we've had quite the busy and crazy weekend and it all started with this little bugger from McDonald's. My wife saw it was just a dollar and figured I should give it and try. It's a good thing she did, because it's actually quite tasty.
That's right, no complaints here. It's a sweet (non-tart) yogurt mixed with fresh berries (mostly strawberries) and some granola (the green baggie behind the cup). I had a few non-mixed bites to test the components and once realizing they were all decent, I did my mixing thing and quickly scarfed this 120 calorie treat. I have no problems recommending this to everyone.

So Many Calories.....

In exchange for working all last weekend, my new company graciously gave me two days off in exchange. Hmmm, I sure could use a long weekend, and it was made so. We had an appt in the morning to take care of, but the rest of the day was ours, so we headed out to see the final piece of the Harry Potter Puzzle. Like many critics have said, it's good, but there is ALOT of talking. In a way it felt more like a clip show then a finale, but we still enjoyed it overall.... ofcourse our enjoyment was helped by some horribly unhealthy yet fantastically tasty Ben & Jerry's milkshakes. So it's a thousand plus calories of super awesome creaminess, but it's not like I do it more than once or twice a year. My wife went with cookie dough again, but I went with Sweet Cream & Cookies and oh my expecto patronum was it good. So cold, so rich, so sweet, so magically perfect. It's so hard for me not to chug these things down. You know, if I haven't convinced you to try a B&J milkshake by now then apparently I'm doing a terrible job of blogging.

I think my brain hurts

Oh, and just for the record, I don't recommend Glow Golf to anyone over the age of 4. It was $18 for the two of us to play 36 holes. I was good after about 9 holes (which explains those places that only offer nine). It's a novelty that gets boring really quickly. Look, I take mini golf very seriously ever since my golfer mom started taking me as a kid. The whole thing was immensely repetive because there are no curves or long shots, it's all just right angles. the "grass" doesnt glow, so there is no difference between it and the floor. In fact, the putter doesn't glow either, only the balls and the walls do.

I can't tell you which hole this is because they all blurred together (especially the second set of 18 holes). I get the benefit of doing something indoors with air conditioning during the hot hot summer, but even then, this place was nearly desserted (though it was dinner time). After awhile, the black lights started messing with my mind and everything was looking hazy. Look, I love the outdoors and I love mini golf... I love the breeze hitting me as I line up my next shot, or gazing around at a whatever whacky waterfall or contrapation has been built infront of me, but this was just boring. I will admit that true Monster Mini Golf is probably more exciting, but even then, Friday's experience has soured me to the whole indoor golfing craze.

Ok, until tomorrow's tasty (and crunchy) review.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Target Archer Farms Monster Cookie
Ice Cream Review

[this was rebuilt as a market pantry flavor] Ok, you are going to have to forgive the following post because I already foresee it being a jumbled mess. What can I say? The weekend wore me out and this crazy heat wave has kept me from recovering. As much as the shoveling and oil bills ruin the fun of winter, at least it's not crazy humid. Ok, grab a fan, grab a pint (take that anyway you like), and let's dig into something that's never been on the blog before.

This is Monster Cookie Ice Cream from Archer Farms. I'm guessing most of you are familiar with Archer Farms as the inhouse "premium food products" brand of Target stores. According to the Target website, there are currently 10 ice cream flavors and 3 sorbet flavors. Now I don't do a ton of food shopping at Target, though they do have good prices and I have tried a few of the Archer Farms products. They use to make this killer potato bread, but let's stick to the frozen stuff right now.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

An ICEE overtime reward

So how's everyone doing tonight? I am beat. I stayed late at work yesterday, clocked several hours today, and I got a few more tomorrow (which is going to interfere with national ice cream day, but we'll work it out). I had stopped to bring Subway home dinner when I heard the call....

drink me


Oh all right

small or large?

what's the difference?

$1.69 or $1.90

I'm gonna say large then

And that's how I wound up drinking wild cherry ICEE all the way home. Ironically... or maybe as expected, I only drank 2/3 of it (also know as a small). It's only a waste if you paid extra... oh crud.

Technically that wasn't the only treat I had today. A very nice lady who's directing this weekend's project offered to bring me back lunch. I said thanks! She followed that thanks with "don't worry, we'll bring you back something good". Hmmmm, I think I may be a little afraid.

So they come back from lunch and start to giggle as they let me know my lunch is in my office.

I should have moved the pickle so you could better see the foot long Kobe dog infront of you. My word, I know I don't get out much, but I have never seen a hotdog that big or that fancy. The exact description is "Cheddar Cheese / Red Onion Tomato Relish / Pickles & Peppers / Coleslaw / Brown Mustard on Grilled Brioche Bun" and I must say it was quite tasty. I did remove some of the peppers (and the pickle), but it was by the far the most gourmet hotdog I've ever had. Is this what cool people do for lunch? I knew I was missing something!

Ok, TV time. I'll leave you with ICEE Bear-Man (a cheezy version of pac-man).

Update: I forgot to mention I only are half the dog and all the chips. I reheated the other half on Sunday and it was still quite tasty.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Edy's NEW! Limited Edition Black Raspberry
Light Ice Cream Review

Ok, quick review time with the obligatory disclaimer: This treat was bought with a free coupon from the generous folks over at Edy's ( Dreyer's ).

You know, I was about to ping Edy's for downgrading Black Raspberry to a limited edition flavor. Like many of their other flavors, I thought they had knocked it down to slow churned status and then declared it a "NEW!" product. The truth is, I don't think they ever had it as a full time flavor. I even did some digging and I can't find any signs of it. Weird. I'm just so use to everyone having a raspberry flavor that it never even dawned on me they didn't. Well, let's see how this light ice cream is.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Celebrating 7/11's Birthday with a free Alienade Slurpee

Oh thank heaven for 7-eleven... no, wait, that campaign ended awhile ago. Oh I remember those commercials well...  wait again! is that Jeremy Renner? HAHAHAHA, oh man, never dawned on me how many commercials he was in. Sorry, getting side tracked.

Now I thought I had been to 7-11 once before during the life of the blog, but I can't find any review.

Well, I guess the 84th birthday celebration of the largest convience store chain on the planet. Happy Birthday bud!  It's seems like just yesterday we met. You, me, and wawa, the snacking trifecta that got me started.

No no no, that picture won't due. it's looks radioactive...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wendy's Caramel Frosty Shake Review

Fall 2014 Note: Frosty shakes are off the menu!

I'll keep this simple because this shake is exactly as you'd expect. It's a typical thick frostyshake and it tastes like caramel. Now it's not crazy caramel so it's not too far crazy from middle of the road.

It's a decent looking treat and look: it's a caramel  shake so there's not a ton of leeway here unless they use a real terrible caramel. It seems fine, it has a straightforward taste, though when I was done, I think I felt more dry than when I started and so I wound up washing this down with a bottle of water. Not sure how else to describe it.

I just want to say two things. One, I think it's bold for wendy's to offer a straight caramel shake because I don't think anyone else does. Two, that said, this exists because the caramel frosty parfait exists and for no other reason. I don't think there is a huge caramel shake market (though feel free to comment and prove me wrong).

Good night!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dairy Queen July 2011 Triple Chocoholic Blizzard

Oh yeah....

It's definitely hot enough to head over to DQ

My target? The July 2011 DQ Blizzard of the Month
The "NEW" Dairy Queen Triple Chocoholic Blizzard

Monday, July 4, 2011

Roba Dolce Wildberry Gelato Review

So how's everybody doing? Did you have a good long weekend? I think I did considering it was pretty tiring. No, seriously, we did, it's just that I'm not really sure what day it is anymore... It's Saturday right? Awesome, I can sleep in tomorrow... if I want to get fired from my new job that is! Ok, enough joking around. I've got at least three reviews back logged in the queue.... which one to cover? .....tired, hard to decide.... I had a nice cupcake with a side of ice cream before I started writing this and now I'm spacing out....  boy I have a lot of pictures of ice cream (the worst part is that my first year I didnt take alot of shorts, and when I did, I didnt always save them, silly me!)

"Romance, passion, intensity... is it love or a spoonful of gelato?"

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cold Stone Creamery Cake Batter Confetti
Ice Cream Cake Review

That's right, I've got another Cold Stone Creamery Cake for you. You see, I got 4 petite size cakes for Father's day. I decided I wanted sweet this time, so cake batter it is!

Cake Batter Confetti is layers of moist red velvet cake and cake batter ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, wrapped in a creamy white frosting. There's also a kit kat on top for good measure. It says "Let stand for 10 seconds minutes before serving". Yeah... that'll happen.