Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's an Edy's Miracle!!

I can't believe it! Edy's, also known as Dreyer's on the west coast, is ditching Frozen Dairy Dessert!! Praise the frozen treat deities! Someone had commented this was going to happen, but I just got an official letter (and coupon) announcing the big switch back to "the original recipes". I'm psyched that clearer and calmer heads have prevailed! We spoke with our dollars and our posts and our comments and let Edy's know they needed to return to ice cream. You know, the thing that made them such a big deal in the first place. Edy's was a big part of our ice cream rotation in the late 90s, it'll be cool to have some respect for them again.

Good job Edy's, thanks for listening!

(now check back later, I've got a guest review for all of you)


  1. Now their new simplistic product design makes sense. Good for them though.

    1. nice! good call, it does make sense doesn't it. Getting back to the good old days.... wait, does that mean grand ice cream sandwich is coming back?!?!?!?!?!

    2. They have updated their website with the flavor list - Ice Cream Sandwich doesn't appear to have made the cut.

    3. their website has always been terrible... that and I don't want to believe it!

  2. Damn the world MUST be ending in 2012 then! Edy's original Autumn Apple Pie is THE reason I became an addict, back in the early 90's when I was a kid and Edy's had actual ice cream in their product. Waiting for that flavor around Thanksgiving and savoring it with the family was the highlight! I hope it makes a return STAT! Ironic b/c it was on sale and I got 2 half gallon sizes last night of frozen dairy dessert :(

  3. Thank goodness! That stuff was truly vile.

  4. Any word on when it'll be available?

    1. officially it's "IN STORES NOW!" but unofficially it'll be a slow stock rotation over the next several weeks


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