Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy 7-Eleven Day with the Fanta Lemon Creme Slurpee

Greetings fellow frozen drink lovers! It's 7/11 today, which means it's 7-Eleven Day. Basically just head down to any participating 7-11 from 11-7 and grab yourself a free mini slurpee. Now every year I complain that a 7.11 oz drink isnt nearly enough to fill me...

And then every year I try to remember why I pick the flavor of the month as my free drink because I can barely finish it. This month's slurpee flavor is Fanta Lemon Crème and like most slurpee flavors, it's disgusting despite being billed as the perfect combination of sweet and tart. It amazes me that they come out with all these flavors yet they always seem to taste so similar. I thought by some fluke I might get a funky lemonade vibe, but no, it's much more of a twisted orange cream flavor with just less orange and more... iunno, I don't taste lemon at all so I don't know what they mixed with it. It doesn't even smell like lemons. To be honest, I don't know if I should drink it or wash my hands with it because it smells like soap.

Despite this terrible slurpee (which I did manage to finish), I still wish 7/11 a happy 85th birthday.

Verdict?  Terrible
Buy Again?  I'm thankful I didn't buy it in the first place


  1. at least it was free!

  2. You really can't go wrong with a Coca-Cola Slurpee. It is one of the greatest things ever made.

    1. Good call! I think that was my favorite flavor as a kid (probably still is too)


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