Monday, April 22, 2013

McDonald's Strawberry Shake
and the bestest food podcast ever

Did you hear the news? Marvo has started up a podcast called The Nosh Show and for the first episode it will be him, Eric the Junk Food Guy, Ryan the founder of GrubGrade, and yours truly. Sure I only blog about ice cream, but the amount of time I spend roaming the streets and grocery stores for new frozen treats will hopefully let me keep up with my very knowledgeable co-hosts.

Now this is the first official episode which hopes to introduce the basic concepts of the show as well as introduce ourselves to the audience. From there we do a interested/not interested discussion and then move on to some various topics. We finish up with some of our favorite recent reviews and hopefully leave you wanting another episode.

Here are your choices for connecting with the show: subscribe on itunes, RSS feed for your podcast program of choice, a blog, twitter, and facebook. Now the plan is to put out a new episode every other week. Please let us know what you think!

Not being 100% sure how the first show would work out, I tried to prepare by hitting up McDonald's for lunch. I had the rather enjoyable Crispy Chicken and Bacon Premium McWrap (that was suppose to be half off but wasn't), I tried one of my 2 for a dollar strawberry and creme pies, and I washed it all down with a small strawberry shake.

While I found the pies to be way too heavy on the cream, I actually found the shake very pleasant. It's a thin, easy drinking shake that's balanced with a fair amount of real flavoring. See? You can even see real strawberry bits in the photo. Sure, this is a fast food shake so there is still high fructose corn syrup and some artificial flavoring, but overall, the berry flavor did an awesome job of pairing up with my McWrap.

Ok, I hope you enjoy the show and make sure to let us know how we did. All four of us are passionate about cataloging our way through new products and with any luck that will come across in the show. Thanks everybody for listening!


  1. Cool idea Dubbs! I liked the show. It's so weird to me though to hear someone's voice when you're used to reading their words. Kinda like online dating haha

  2. Love the podcast. Great idea! I'm gonna go pick up some Siracha chips now. Needed a little bit more ice cream talk though.

  3. When did the mcdonalds shakes get thin? They used to be super thick!


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