Edy's Strawberry Shortcake Frozen Custard
(appears to be a Walmart exclusive)

With no description to be found on the website or the package,
I'm guessing this is vanilla base with strawberry swirl and shortcake bits.

The cake bits are so orange looking...
I take my first bite and oh my that is kind of gummy and weird. That doesn't come across right at all. It's kind of this muted... dense.... thing on my spoon.
The cake bits help break up the odd texture but there's still just something very flat about the whole experience. Sometimes strawberry flavors have a neat strawberry whip cream type flavor but this doesn't hit the same notes. I don't know how to properly quantify it other than saying it's off a bit.
Wow, I'm not feeling very talkative on the first scooping here. I'm debating if I want to have some more now or just wait til the next scooping to dig in to this one a bit more. It becomes less weird as you go, but was there a need to be weird in the first place?

On Second Scoop: I hate to be cranky, but for what's it worth, this custard is visually unappealing. The light pink gelatinous swirl is not helping me get in to the mood at all. I've tried sampling this a few times and yes, if you get a nice cake bit with just a little custard, it's fine. But it only takes a few scoops of the base to get bored with this one and it frustrated me because it could have been a lot nicer with say a strawberry base and real strawberry bits mixed in.
Verdict? meh
Buy Again? nah
Looks like This custard
ReplyDelete...ain't cuttin' the mustard X)
you forget the #MicDrop :)
ReplyDeleteI believe I saw this and others at Safeway today at $3.99 each yesterday. (I don't think so)
ReplyDeleteOn the West Coast (and presumably East coast too), since Easter weekend began Friday April 3rd, all Edy's & Dreyer's 1.5 quarts have been on on sale with Safeway card, for $2.99 all varieties (Grand, Slow Churned, NSA, Frozen Yogurt) at Safeway! Today's the last day to save $3 on each*.
*I picked up 2 Mint Chip and will return today for more. They have everything there, including that delicious Coffee and Biscotti flavor, Red Velvet Cake, and Cinnamon bun Fun in Grand. What say you?
every store is different, but something like $3 for grand cinnamon bun fun is definitely worth it.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Well I just read your Strawberry Short"kook" review and re-reviewed your previous 5 reviews of the Edy's Custards and saw only one that you liked (Snickerdoodle) enough to buy again.
ReplyDeleteThat statistic, 1 of 6, is only good when playing the million dollar lottery. :P
I feel neither of you guys enjoy the cream cheese/cake/custard bases very much which kind makes it harder to trust your reviews on those flavor profiles. Not denying that Edys has problems though.
ReplyDelete@Anon: hey, I'm ok with you having read enough reviews to get a general sense like that. That said, there are some excellent cake flavors and cheezy flavors out there, we just don't love every one. Unfortunately, since both Nick and I live in the northeast, we have no other frozen custards to compare it too. That said, it still feels like an Edys product and their over-reliance on gums and food science.
ReplyDeleteEasiest solution: pick the one that looks best and go from there. No harm, no foul. Wait for a sale if you want :)
Anon, I like cake and custard bases. Cheesy I'm iffy on. It needs to be a little sweet. Dubba is the picky one!
ReplyDeleteOver the months of reading tons of your reviews & consistently seeing how wrong you guys get almost everything, I finally figured out the problem. You have blue-collar palates.
ReplyDeleteThere's technically nothing wrong with that, but you simply do not understand the nuance of finer flavors. It's the same reason that you (and most of your readers) don't "get" why Vanilla is the finest/best & most important of all flavors.
There's a reason world class wine tasters hardly ever drink beer. Maybe frozen water treats like popcycles would be more for your sensibilities?
Anon, what's a popcycle? Is that some fancy thing my uneducated taste buds know nothing about? Why keep coming back to our reviews if you think our palates aren't up to your level? I would delve further into this but you're not worth my time. Have a nice day, troll.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous person who has the time to insult me (and all my readers) but doesnt have the time to leave their real name: I have removed my earlier immature comment and instead will leave you with a few thoughts. One, if you hate our reviews, why did you keep reading them? Two, had you actually read a ton of our reviews, you would know I have the utmost respect for Vanilla. Just read my graeters or three twins vanilla reviews, both are excellent and deserving of repeat purchases.
ReplyDeleteOh, and three, what is your profession? CEO, banker, stock broker? Just curious what high and mighty job has given your palette permission to enjoy the finer things in life. I hope I'm as awesome as you someday. Guess I'll just stick to my grade e but edible cheezy poofs until someone like you says it's ok for me to try new things.
By the way, Anon, it's 'popsicle.' 'Popcycle' sounds like something your dad would ride.
ReplyDeleteSnob much, Anon?
ReplyDeleteI think we all "get" how fine & important (surprised you didn't use a bigger word here, actually) vanilla is, as a flavor.
Also, are you just a glutton for self-punishment or pissing away time, which I would consider to be rather valuable to someone of your obvious premium status. Months of reading these tons reviews you they get overwhelmingly wrong? I don't know, seems the appropriate thing to do would be to either state your overwhelmingly clear case some time ago or, just wash your hands and move on along.
And before the thought even creeps into your head, no, I am certainly no shill, if I felt Dubba or Nick were particularly wrong on something, I'd call them out. Just not with my nose pointed to the sky. But, for me, that just hasn't been the case. And I still trust their buds enough to wait for a review 9 times out of 10 before I open the grocer's freezer door. But isn't this all subjective anyway, Anon?
Cheers. Have another glass of that wine for us, won't ya?
you guys have it way wrong, must be being paid to snub Edy's Frozen custard cause it is the closest thing to ice cream stand quality.
ReplyDelete@Ryan: I'm glad you enjoyed this, I have no problem with that, but how often do you buy ice cream or gelato or frozen custard? how many brands have you tried? Think what you may of our reviews, but me thinks you need to get out to the freezer aisle a bit more.
ReplyDeleteRyan, I really like Edy's Peanut Butter Pie frozen custard but you must have over looked that review. We're from the North where frozen custard isn't a common thing from ice cream stands so we can't compare it. To us, this is more like a super premium ice cream but not quite there. If we were getting paid to write these bad reviews then why would I have been positive about one?
ReplyDeleteThis strawberry custard is so bad! No strawberries to be seen at all and very unappealing altogether. Actually... I'll take it back to walmart and return it. It's only 94 degrees outside...
ReplyDeleteYuk, Yuk, Yuk!!! LOved the Chocolate Malt but Strawberry Shortcake Custard without any strawberries, come on! Mine went down the garbage disposal.
ReplyDeletemakes my throat burn???
ReplyDeletethe molasses maybe?