Monday, September 7, 2015

Ben & Jerry's Strawberry not so Shortcake Ice Cream
A Review and The Nosh Show Episode 63

[New for 2015, exclusive to Walmart] Hello Nosh Show listeners. Episode 63 is live and to celebrate we will review something that is worthy to be a nosh of the week.

Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Not So Shortcake Ice Cream
strawberry cake ice cream with strawberries & shortbread pieces

Also available on iTunesStitcher, and MP3

Oooooo, interesting. No, that's not strong enough because this is exactly how you want the opening shot to be with a real nice diversity. It lets you know the mix-ins are going to be throughout the pint, not just at the bottom. I scrape the lid and realize this might be love at first bite.

Oh yeah, that's just fun. It's rocking that strawberry frosted angel food cake vibe that I love so much. Yeah, personal biases are totally going to kick in on this one.

Cake bites are soft and delicious, though you'll need to scoop them with just a bit of ice cream to fully appreciate them. Oh, nice, just got a cake bit and a decent size strawberry bit on that scoop.

We've  got a nice level of sweetness, we've got a persistant level of cake vibe hanging out, and I'm a huge fan as you can tell. If you enjoy strawberry ice cream even a little, then yeah, head to Walmart to pick this one up. As for me, well, I need to go refill my bowl a bit.

On Second Scoop: And most of the pint is gone already despite trying to ration it a bit. I just really like this one. There's just something special to me personally about a nice strawberry flavor and then we just have cake bits all about, both bigger chunks and little crumbs everywhere to keep that cake vibe going with every bite. Love love love this one. [FYI: I'll take a strawberry flavor over a pumpkin flavor any day of the week]

Verdict?  nailed it
Buy Again?  Yes!


  1. How dry are the cake pieces? I don't remember B&J cake pieces, but the Cold Stone ones had me reaching for a glass of water whenever I got one in a bite. Regardless, still worth a try if I manage to see it at my Walmart.

  2. hell yea! I was waiting on a review from someone and was planning on trying this later today. Looks like I'll definitely be trying this.

    btw, how does it compare to strawberry cheescake?

  3. Definitely wouldnt call them dry, not super moist mind you, but a nice middle ground so they can kind of crumble and blend in to the base.

    Havent had strawberry cheesecake in forever, but since I'm not a huge cheesecake fan anyway, this is more my style personally (aka without the cheese)

  4. It was so good, I ate it so fast I can barely remember but yeah, they didn't seem dry at all. Especially since I wait for my ice cream to become half half-melted :)


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