Hood S'mores Ice Cream Sandwiches
marshmallow flavored ice cream with chocolate chips
between two graham cracker wafers
between two graham cracker wafers

I love the look of the tiny chocolate chips
I take a bite and one of the ingredients is out of balance with the rest of the sandwich. I want to say that it's almost a fake taste and my wife says almost a coffee taste. I think her word is more descriptive than mine. It's even almost... licorice? Oy, I am not amused.
The sign of a good ice cream sandwich is the urge to eat a second one. I have no such urge right now.
On Second Scoop: I slept on this one and tried again in the AM, and yeah, I am not a fan of the way they made the graham cracker wafers. I checked the ingredients and it's the molasses I am tasting. I'll be honest, I never realized there was molasses in graham crackers because everyone else does it subtly. Hood does not and it overrides everything else and just, ahhhh, I don't want to think about licorice.
Verdict? Licorice?
Buy Again? nope
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