Cold Stone Creamery Caramel Crave Candy Cone Creations
(1) I tried the Reese Peanut Butter Cup with Reese Pieces Big Cup first and it was love at first bite. It tastes like the reeses pieces tweak the flavor but more importantly add a bit of fun crunch to a product I already love. I'm more than happy to devour this fun variation. OSC: mmmm, very tasty, very fun, maybe a little much sweet reeses pb pop for some people but a neat change of pace for others. As discussed on the show: the running theory is that the Big Cup version of these is better than the regular cup version.
(2) Instagram seemed pretty curious about the Snickers & Hazelnut so I tried that on day two and I'll describe it with one of my current favorite words: "weird". The hazelnut isn't strong, instead it's an inserted note in to a regular snickers candy bar. It's probably why they call it snickers & hazelnut instead of something like hazelnut snickers. Regular readers know I'm not a big fan of hazelnut, so to take that unique hazelnut note and consistently insert it in to every bite makes for an odd treat to me. I just didn't like it. To me it feels unbalanced with the peanuts. Maybe I just don't get what they were going for other than some social media traction (aka it's a gimmick).

(5) Some say it can be "too early" for candy, but I say these people are crazy. Morning, especially Monday mornings, are a great time for candy. I grab one of the two bars inside the Big Kit Kat package and snack away. It's very much like a regular kit kat, just heftier. It feels heftier in your hand and as you bite, but the ratios all seem to be intact. I'm digging the familiar flavor profile in this denser former. For the record, I'm pretty sure I've tried these before and we'll be buying them again as well.

The most important question is whether or not the cone is crunchy and I am happy to report that it is. This is something akin to finding fudge in a tiny sugar cone so it's a pretty novel idea and it's hard not to give props to that. Those beige "drops" you see on top? Actual candy coated bits akin to mini M&M's. Now do I taste the caramel? or the vanilla center? Not a ton, though there is a linger aftertaste of something akin to caramel. The disproportionate amount of milk chocolate does dominate everything. Still, it was a neat little treat but be warned, they do use hazelnut paste for some reason, so be careful if you have allergies.
Ok, this has gone on long enough. I hope everyone has a great Halloween and a good week, or a good Halloween and a great week, you pick. Let's part with the question: which of these seven candy bars do you prefer or hope to try soon?
I'll be looking for the Cookies & Mint bar. I believe Hershey's has a bite size version similar to these that they release with the Christmas candies and I really like those. I'll try the Reeses cup too.
ReplyDeleteand don't I feel silly for not putting "hersheys mint" in to google image search :)