Blue Bunny Peanut Butter Party Ice Cream
Peanut butter ice cream, fudge and peanut butter swirls, and peanut butter cups

The high point is when you bite in to the plentiful peanut butter cup chunks. Just the right size and hardness, they add a fun blast to whatever scoopful they are in. The low point comes in when the peanut butter swirl hits you with some kind of odd blast that in turn tries tripping your gag reflex. What weird ingredient is in here? In general peanut butter is awesome but there are times when it can be made oddly. That seems to be the case here.
On Second Scoop: Despite the weirdness of the pb swirl, it's hard not to enjoy a flavor that is this busy. Today's serving was probably more swirl influenced than pb cup influenced, but I still found myself eating it quicker than I should have (though I didn't make the mistake of overfilling myself with a double serving today). I wouldn't say rush out and get this, but if you don't mind blowing a couple bucks the next time it's on sale, I say try it with lowered expectations and go from there.
Final Thoughts: I like this one more and more, but I needed to come back and point out something. Why do I always feel more hungry when I finish my afternoon mug of this ice cream?
The review that never ends: I found the problem. It's not the pb swirl, it's the fudge swirl! I got a ton of the fudge swirl on the final serving and it's totally ruining the experience for me. Bleck!
Verdict? busy
Buy Again? possible
I found this to be very good if you're a peanut butter fan. Loads of peanut butter flavor in every spoonful and lots of mix-ins. There's not many peanut butter flavors out there so a decent mid-grade like this fills an important niche.