Magnum Double Cookie Crumble Ice Cream Tub
sweet cream ice cream with swirls of chocolate cookie sauce and
milk chocolate shards in a crackling milk chocolate shell with more cookies
milk chocolate shards in a crackling milk chocolate shell with more cookies

HA! It looks like marshmallow fluff is escaping from the chocolate!
(also, where's the M stamp?)

Wait, you didn't hear any of that because you can't stop staring at those swirls? Yeah, that's ok, because this one did make a fun first impression. When you are in the mood for a literal chocolate blast and not just chocolate flavoring, it's hard to argue with all the tasty Magnum milk chocolate in the mix here. It's good, plain and simple.
So yup, I'm recommending this one. I know sometimes I complain about the ice cream being too light but I was very distracted on this first serving.
On Second Scoop: I still want more cookie flavor, because, you know, it's in the name and all, but there's no denying the fun in this one.
Verdict? good enough!
Buy Again? sure
Sounds like your mileage went more of the distance than mine! I barely had any cookie sauce in the tub I got, so it was basically just the shell and some meh-nilla. I'd seen that there was a European version with white chocolate, and loaded with that cookie sauce, which had raised my bar way too high. Well, the Double Chocolate Ganache was much better!