Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Talenti Coconut Chocolate Cookie Sorbetto Layers

[New for 2020] Hey, sorry I have been quiet, been fighting a stupid faux ear infection for over a week now. I'm starting to feel a bit better and decided to grab another Unilever free sample from the chest freezer in the basement. Coconut isn't my thing, but I am still curious about...

Talenti Coconut Chocolate Cookie Dairy-Free Sorbetto Layers #70
coconut sorbetto - oat crisps - dairy-free hot fudge
coconut sorbetto - chocolate cookie pieces

My biggest advice for this pint is that you will need to let it temper for awhile. I took a bunch of photos and it was still frozen solid. That's not unusual in general for things that come from the chest freezer, but it's unusual for the layers lineup which is usually very scoop-able. I was trying to do my big spoon shot for social media but it just wouldn't cooperate... it actually bent the spoon which has never happened before.

Can I describe the coconut flavor? no, it's just a fairly standard coconut flavor.

Funniest moment? Don't those chocolate cookie pieces look plentiful and delicious? Well, they had minimal impact really. The tasty, crunchy oat crisp bits in the middle were much more fun (though also not terribly plentiful).

The best part? THE HOT FUDGE. So good. Like evilly delicious, I can't believe Talenti made this good. I want to tease them for calling it "hot" fudge but it is surprisingly close to the right consistency and texture. It's easily my favorite part. For half a moment, I thought it was maybe a smidge too potent, but that thought quickly passed as I went back to "GIVE ME MOAR!"

So if you dig coconut or are trying to stick to non-dairy, give this a shot but let it temper so you can get the intended effect. You probably won't mistake it for ice cream gelato, but at least it's an alternative right? I apologize for not including a picture of the fudge but the pictures didn't do it the justice it deserved. I really, really, really hope they use this hot fudge again in another layered flavor next year... Oh man, we need a S'mores layered flavor stat.

Parting thoughts: Why didn't I have my son try this? A few of last years layered flavors had nut warnings so I kind of spaced on having him try this one.

Verdict?  put that "hot" fudge in everything!
Buy Again?  not my thing


  1. Ben and Jerrys has a new flavor 'Chip Happens'. Potato chip swirl, apparently available at Walmart now. The chocolate base doesn't have me excited because B and J's chocolate base is just mediocre at best. You going to review?

  2. Yeah, I saw the news, I always do (even if I dont post about it). I assume it will be fairly tasty, but since I'm only going to the store once a week (usually walmart), we'll see when it finally lands in my local freezer aisle (which is currently about 88% empty).

  3. I got a bit of a Samoa cookie vibe with a complete bite on this one. As I am into coconut, I was pleased with this pint.

  4. This was 50% off at my store because it's being discontinued; so I tried it. The texture was really hard, so you were right in letting it sit. I also agree that the hot fudge is the best part. It's gooey, rich, and it steals the show, as the rich coconut base gets muted by the richness of the chocolate. This was also my first time having the layered desserts, and I all I can say is "wow"! I wish more companies did them because there is so much going on that they are a real treat, and unfortunately on my waist line, addictive. In fact, it's such a game changer that I would change sides and become devoted to Talenti.


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