Drumstick Cookies 'N' Cream Crushed It!
crushed cookie crumb coating surrounds cookies 'n' cream frozen dairy dessert

Anyway, overall it's enjoyable. I do wish it was a little less sweet, but the experience is definitely unique... and fairly short. It's a decent size treat but I was tempted to dig in for a second. The sweetness made me hesitate a smidge, so I decided to hold off for a day.
On Second Scoop: Similar experience on day 2, but no urge for a second bar this time. I liked it about the same too. Will I try the vanilla fudge bar? Depends if these grow on me by the end of the box. To clarify, these aren't bad and they are different, I just don't know if I'll ever crave them like I do a more traditional frozen treat. [I do feel like they are growing on me after 3 & 4, but it's a slow process].
Verdict? interesting
Buy Again? wont know til the box is done
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