I know that neither one of these flavors might seem super interesting these
days, so let's make it (potentially) interesting by putting them head to head to see which is better.

Tillamook Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Hood South Shore Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Technically these containers are the same size in terms of calories.
Tillamook's 9 servings x 240 calories vs Hood's 6 servings x 360 calories both
equal 2160 calories, kind of weird right? The Tillamook set me back $5.99
while the Hood only cost me $4.39 (cause local!)

Tillamook actually looks decent as I'm seeing a fair amount of cookie dough
chunks on the first scooping. It's also got that mild cookie dough coloring in the left side shot. The right side photo is a little washed out.

But then Hood just swoops in with this amazing shot (on the left). Color me impressed as
that certainly looks like a premium ice cream right there.
Now Tillamook is supposed to be cookie dough flavor (something that Turkey
Hill won me over with a few decades ago). Yeah, I think I taste it, but man
is this ice cream so light. Granted it's not gummy, but wow that's light. It's
more like cookie dough suspended in cool whip. Man I wish this was more dense
because overall it's got a fine flavor.
Flipping to NEC. It's more dense, more cold, but I don't love the flavoring of
the chocolate cookie swirl. Wow, that's actually quite disappointing
after the much more pleasant Tillamook flavoring. Also, did I not get any real
cookie dough in my first scooping? I hit several in Tillamook but I've only
got little half pieces in the NEC side of my bowl.
Well what do you do with a lighter flavorful ice cream and a denser, less
amusing flavor? It's mix time! ....ruh roh. Weird food science things are
happening. See, typically I mix a premium ice cream (like Ben & Jerry's)
with an all natural vanilla so that premium vibe lives on. However, when you
mix ice creams of this caliber, there is sometimes this weird, fakely smooth
texture that emerges from the combo. I can't think of a better word for it
right now, but hopefully you know what I mean.
So who is the winner? Ummmm..... honestly, I am leaning Tillamook despite how
soft the product was (and it came from the downstairs freezer so it's not like I caught the ice cream in the middle of a defrost cycle). Ok, I have one more
idea.... I scooped out mostly a spoonful of Hood that had a bunch of cookie dough and the swirl still buried the flavor. Booooooo.
On Second Scoop: So I kept going back to the Tillamook, so I guess that makes it the official winner. My wife and I have finished off the container while the Hood version just sits there. That said, I still crave a better texture for my mainstream ice cream. How do we make things go back to the way they once were?
Verdict? Tillamook wins
Buy Again?maybe? Tillamook cookie dough is back in the freezer!
Buy Again?
Allergy note: I feel better about bringing home Tillamook after reading their FAQ
Love these. Thanks Dubba!
ReplyDeleteLike the comparison.
ReplyDeleteI can't be the only one who really does not get Tillamook (any of their products but esp frozen). So many people rave about them and I just don't get it, ever.