Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Chocolate Cookie Monster Ice Cream

Continuing our trend of trying to get more local cream in to our diets as we wander about, we were out west when we decided to give Cha's Ice Cream and Grill a try. I was still very much in a black raspberry mood, but since they didn't have any, I decided to try:

Chocolate Cookie Monster Ice Cream
chocolate ice cream with cookie dough and a "cookie swirl"

It's a decent looking cone even though the scoops are on the smaller side.

Now, does that look like a cookie swirl or just a regular fudge sauce swirl? It's not what I expected, but it's thin nature does do a good job of adding a lot of chocolaty flavor. 

The cookie dough is fine, but I can't really taste it over all the chocolate.

And the unfortunate worst part (besides it being in a non-sugar cone), is that this ice cream was quite icy. I'm not sure what the exact issue is, but the ice cream wasn't super dense and I hit way too many ice crystals along my snackable journey.

Maybe this was just a fluke with this flavor? I wish I could say yes, but my wife tried their pumpkin and blueberry flavors and those two were icy. Maybe we picked their 3 least popular flavors, but I think this might be a production issue more than anything.

We definitely won't be back to Cha's anytime soon.


  1. Ah, as I was browsing I was thinking I should recommend Handel's to you.

    We just Irene out first one here, it was pretty amazing. I'm not sure if it is because it is new, but I hope that creamy quality stays.


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