Monday, December 4, 2023

Dolcezza Hot Cocoa Gelato
Dolcezza Sugar Cookie Dough Gelato

[New for Late 2023] Yeah, I'm having way too much trouble deciding which to try first. On one hand, I've been craving chocolate, on the other hand, I would like to compare their sugar cookie pint to that tasty sugar cookie blizzard I just had. Decisions decisions decisions. 

Dolcezza Hot Cocoa Gelato
Dolcezza Sugar Cookie Dough Gelato

Yeah, they both look fun.

sugar cookie batter gelato with
dark chocolate chips and sugar cookie dough

And my spoon goes in to....   sugar cookie! Are those tiny chocolate bits got me curious. Ummm, that's unexpected. All I really taste is chocolate with a muted sugar cookie vibe on the finish. That's not what I was expecting (though I did have "concerns" about the chocolate component). 

There's a little sugar cookie dough cube but it's not overpowering the chocolate any time soon. Ok, let's flip to hot cocoa.

Spiced Milk Chocolate Gelato with
Mini Marshmallows and Dark Chocolate Cookies

One bite of chocolate and I know this is not the hot cocoa ice creams of the past. There is cinnamon and nutmeg in the mix along with a fairly strong cocoa powder flavoring. I think I expected different, but this is more different than I expected.

So yeah, rich and flavorful with a little bit of marshmallow vibe from all the little marshmallow bits floating around..

You know how those triple/quadruple chocolate Ben & Jerry's flavors wind up building these neat complex chocolate experiences? That's what this reminds me of, but with a Dolcezza spin to it. I could easily find myself getting lost in this pint.... ok, back in the freezer it goes before it disappears completely.

So Hot Cocoa different but good, Sugar Cookie is going to need a second try tomorrow. Maybe the chocolate aspect will wane, but I suspect it won't.

On Second Scoop: Hot Cocoa I get, but I still don't understand sugar cookie mainly because it's really not a sugar cookie flavor. Sure it has sugar cookie dough, and it has a sugar cookie base, but I feel like those two components make up maybe 12% of the overall flavor. With that said, I feel like a bit of tweaking could make this in to a respectable chocolate chip cookie dough flavor. Tweak the base, change out the cookie dough, and boom, you've got yourself an enjoyable classic flavor.

HC Verdict?  spicy spin on hot cocoa
SCD Verdict?  I don't get it
Buy Again?  maybe


  1. Dolcezza usually does the Periodic Table naming thing on their containers right? Weird to see this holiday pint.

  2. So Dolcezza is actually moving away from the periodic table themed plastic pints and moving to new colorful paper pints.(I prefer the collectible plastic pints, but if paper pints means Dolcezza is expanding, then I am ok with paper pints)

    1. As you said, I like the pints more than the flavors/contents. Not to say the gelato/ice cream was bad, but it wasn't anything special besides the packaging.

      One of their flavors, the Marscapone base was the only "bad" one as it was super chalky, gritty, and dry. But I've had that in other mascapones too.


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