Thursday, December 21, 2023

Dolcezza Stracciatella Gelato + DG News

I had the two new seasonal Dolcezza pints in my freezer, but I really wanted to scoop this one because I thought I had tried it but apparently I was thinking of the Talenti version.

Dolcezza Stracciatella Gelato #004
cream gelato with dark chocolate stracciatella

Sorry, it melted a little while I took pictures.

Looks fun right?

The first bites definitely taste a little freezer burned unfortunately. This pint only has 6 months left of shelf life, and knowing that Dolcezza gives their pints a year from the manufacturing date, that means this particular pint has already been hanging around for six months.

So keeping this short and sweet: it's a pretty mild base with teeny tiny chocolate bits everywhere. I think most people would be hard pressed to tell the difference between this and ice cream really. 

I kind of wish I had some cookie dough to mix in to this one. That would be fun!

Ok, the reality is that this pint is passed it's prime unfortunately, and here's a trick on how to verify that. Take a few bites from the center, than take a few bites from the edge. Notice the difference? Yeah, that's freezer burn. In this case, the edges have a odder texture along with a bit of a plastic/cardboard flavoring to them.

Hey, it's ok though. To be honest, I wanted the container more than I wanted the gelato. The nerd in me has always dug their periodic table themed design and I didn't want to lose my chance to add this one to the collection. Being on sale (a dollar off) also helps.

As you may have noticed in my holiday posts, Dolcezza's latest flavors are arriving in paper pints. In fact, all of their flavors are transitioning to this new colorful paper pint design. It seems like the regular pints will look similar to their original designs while the seasonal flavors will be a little less science-y and a little more... (I want to say creative, but then it sounds like I don't like their Chemistry themed pints).

Foot note: Dolcezza being the nice people that they are, sent me a care package of their holiday flavors to make up for the bum pint! Thanks DG!

Verdict?  pretty mild
Buy Again?  if it's fresh

click for nutrition facts and ingredients

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