Saturday, December 16, 2023

Van Leeuwen: Cake vs Pie

I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for right now, so let's bring back that age old question of "what's better, cake or pie?" The question is also an excuse to clean up the freezer!

Van Leeuwen Limoncello Ice Cream
Van Leeuwen Apple Pie Ice Cream

Apple Pie (left) is a bit more of a tease.

Now I actually had some Caramel Apple Pie ice cream from the Ice Cream Machine Co last weekend and it was good, but it wound up not being what I was in the mood for. Honestly, I think I want the limoncello first, but I'm going to go apple pie anyway.

sweet cream ice cream, caramelized apple swirl and brown sugar crust pieces

Oooooo, that's real nice! It's got a real nice complexity to it. It's not just some simple apple flavor, you're getting the taste of the whole apple pie in every bite. Wow, nice job! the crust pieces are nice too. I seriously wouldn't change anything on this one. The way the cold ice cream just melts in to that apple pie flavor is just delightful. I really don't want to put this one down... but I will so that I can bring you the other scoop! (Ha, somebody quick grab that instagram handle!)

lemon ice cream with sweet brown sugar cake (and....)

Wow, limoncello cake is real nice too! Granted, I kind of always enjoy these lemon or lime flavors as long as the quality is there, but still, a very enjoyable first few bites. The cake bits are fairly crumbly. Actually, despite what the label says, there are definitely two kinds of cake bits in here. There is the lightly colored, crumbly cake and then also the darker, denser brown sugar cake.

I don't know what's up with Van Leeuwen recently, but these are both really good, as was that Kettle Corn flavor I had a month ago (review here). It's them or maybe I'm just more receptive to their different flavors right now. I'm not interested in the super crazy flavors, but I do very much appreciate that they are putting out these quasi-classic flavors like lemon and apple flavors.

Nice job Van Leeuwen!

Foot note: Limoncello was for Spring 2023 and Apple Pie was for Fall 2023.

On Second Scoop: Tomorrow!

Verdict?  very enjoyable
Buy Again?  yes!


  1. I was a little bit obsessed with their Limoncello Cake flavor. Carrot Cake was also really nice! Right now I'm inhaling pints of Holiday Cookie, which is basically cookies and cream with a frosting swirl, and I won't say no to their Peanut Butter Pretzel Fudge either. The fudge in that one is so rich. Maybe I like ice cream a little too much. (Is that heresy on this blog?)

  2. You can never like ice cream too much! At least not here!


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