Saturday, July 13, 2024

News: Blue Bell 2024 (so far)

Have you been keeping up with Blue Bell news? It seems like they are having a lot of fun this year, so why don't we recap what's been going on. If you've had any of these flavors, please let us know how they were!

The latest and greatest limited edition is this Cookies 'n Cream Cheesecake ice cream. Yeah, that seems like it could be fun and I would totally try it if I could!

A&W Root Beer Float joins the Dr. Pepper Float ice cream in their full time line up. Both are swirled flavors so at the very least they are fun to look at. (I assume Dr. Pepper is selling well if they added an A&W flavor).

Back in March, they announced Gooey Butter Cake and it sounds delicious though potentially too sweet. It's cake batter ice cream with cream cheese swirl and gooey butter cake pieces. Mmmmm.

January gave us the limited edition Cinnamon Twist ice cream. It was brown sugar cinnamon ice cream with cinnamon bun dough and cinnamon icing swirl. I'm sorry I couldn't try this one!

Last note: They did "the great scoop revival flavor tournament" on social media and now they will be bringing back both Cookie Cake and Groom's Cake for 2025.

Please note that all pictures are courtesy of the Blue Bell website.


  1. OG Buttercake was decent, the base was miss. Standard vanilla either caramel similar to Jenis would have been a killer

    Skipped the A&W on personal preference but they do a good job with the ice cream & sherbet concept based on the Dr Pepper version

    Cinnamon Twist was solid

    Glad they didn’t goof and not bring Groom’s Cake back

    Will track down Cookie & Cream Cheesecake but someone brought up that isn’t another Oreo based idea

    We still push for the return on Magic Cookie Bar

  2. Terrible, typos……

    Too excited about the post 😓

  3. I've had the Gooey butter cake and cookies and cream cheesecake. Wasn't a fan of either. Tang from cheesecake didnt mesh with the cookies and cream flavor very well and maybe I just don't like butter cake?


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