Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Friendly's Caramel Waffle Cone Ice Cream Bars

[New for 2024] To be honest, based on Friendly's current lineup, I'm not expecting much from these bars. Last year's ice cream bars were ok, but not so good that they would force me to try these... but I do need me a mowing snack, so let's crack open a box of....

Friendly's Caramel Waffle Cone Ice Cream Bars
caramel ice cream, caramel flavored swirl, and chocolatey waffle cone pieces

Fun wrapping!
(though I assume they use this wrapping under multiple brands)

I take one bite... and I'm hooked. For only 100 calories, this bar is surprisingly fun. I got a waffle cone piece very early on and they steal the show here. To have actual chocolate coated waffle cone chunks in a bar like this is just.... genius? Is that going too far? Maybe, but this is one simple yet clever product.

I feel like I got a waffle cone chunk in almost every bite... but maybe it was a fluke.... also, I'm still hungry, so time for a second bar! (it's ok, technically there are two bars per serving)

Mmmmm, nom nom nom, nope, not a fluke. The ice cream has respectable texture, it's got some caramel flavoring to it, and then the waffle cone just knocks it home by being omnipresent.

I know I set the bar pretty low in my mind, so that might be adding to my giddiness of how well this one hit the spot after spending about 2.5 hours cleaning my wife's car. 

The only downside? Just four in the box, which means I'm half done.... though, technically, emptying the box means an excuse to try the other three flavors: cherry fudge, fudge brownie, and cookie dough.

On Second Scoop: Well, the other two bars are gone, though I did space them out by having one yesterday and one today. I know these aren't amazing, but for only a 100 calories, these are a fun little treat. I have no problem recommending them if they catch your attention. 

images courtesy of their respective websites

Manufacturing Note: Please remember that DFA owns Friendly's, Kemps Ice Cream and Mayfield Dairy Farms, so this review would apply to those brands as well.

Verdict?  Respectable!
Buy Again?  Yup!

click for nutrition facts and ingredients

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of HD's Caramel Waffle Cone ice cream which is in my top 2 flavors from them


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