Saturday, August 3, 2024

More Muddy Bites!

[CnC New for April 2023, Thin Mints New for December 2023] 
I've always liked the idea of Muddy Bites, but I've never actually fallen in love with Muddy Bites. It's a snack that's like 80% of the way to clicking with me, until now. Can you guess which one did the trick for me?

The newest Muddy Bites Waffle Cone Snacks

Girl Scout Thin Mints Muddy Bites
dark chocolate in a mint chocolate cone

Cookies 'N Cream Muddy Bites
white chocolate in a chocolate cone

Enough suspense, it's the cookies 'n cream one that finally got me hooked! It's the first time I thought "maybe I should just finish this whole bag in one sitting". There's always been a little (dryness?) that was affecting the overall balance of this snack, but the sugary cream against the chocolate cone has finally come close to that perfect balance between filling and cone.

I do still need to track down the white chocolate version to see if it clicks better than CnC. At that point, I will have tried all five Muddy Bites flavors.

As for the thin mints one, I bought them awhile ago, so sorry for the delay on trying them. They certainly smell good, but they taste like you might suspect: pretty minty and a little bit dry. I don't know if I love the way the mint comes across because it's in the cone instead of the cream. At first guess, you may not think it makes a difference, but I think it might. There's definitely a minty dark chocolate aftertaste lingering about as well.

Overall, good job on expanding the lineup. Now if they can just nail down the manufacturing process so that we can get more bites in each bag.

On Second Scoop: I'm gonna need a few more bags of these CnC Muddy Bites. Granted, they are not amazing or perfect, but they are fun. I feel like they are either 95% or 105% of the way to being really dialed in. I just can't tell if the filling is just a smidge too sweet.  Also, this may sound odd, but these almost have a peanut butter vibe to them. I guess it's the way it breaks down while you are munching on them, but something about them reminds me of peanut butter (though not in a bad way)....  actually, do they remind me of the texture of nutter butters maybe? Just to be clear, there is no mention of nuts or cross contamination on the packaging.

OOOOOhhh! Random genius idea: raspberry cream filling in the chocolate cone!

MFG History Note: The cookies 'n cream version was originally released as the Walmart exclusive "chocolate cone white chocolate". The rename happened in early 2024.

Verdict?  fun!
Buy Again?  Yes for CnC!

click for nutrition facts

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