[New for 2024? earlier than that?] Market Basket brand ice cream is nothing new, but PREMIUM Market Basket ice cream? And it's not cross contaminated with anything? Ok, let's grab a quart of...

Market Basket Cookies & Cream Ice Cream
vanilla flavored ice cream with chocolate cream cookies

Quarts are sealed, that's always nice.

It looks busy enough, and I see a few larger chunks.

That's a decent looking cookies and cream flavor.
I take a bite and it looks like it taste, decent. The cookie factor could certainly be stronger, but overall, it's a decent ice cream at a fair price. Yes, I would like more cookies in the mix, and yes, I can tell that there are stabilizers in the mix, but I don't think I'd have issue with picking this up again, especially since it is hard to find a decent mainstream cookies & cream flavor.
To clarify my texture comment: this is more solid than something like Tillamook, but it doesnt have that true solidness of a classic (or all natural) ice cream. Like it's modern counterparts, it uses gums and stabilizers to round things out which affects the way that each bite feels.
The aftertaste is more milky than cookie.
That's all I got for now.
On Second Scoop: I think I like the flavoring more than the texture. Sometimes there is this thing where a flavor like this can taste a little cardboard-y. I stick by my original point that the texture could be a bit more traditional and the cookie flavor factor a bit stronger to make this a better offering.
Final Scoop: I started mixing this with a bit of Tillamook Cookie Dough ice cream and the weirdest thing happened. The cookie flavoring actually seemed stronger despite now being in a 1:1 mix with another flavor. I'm not 100% sure how that happens, but it seemed like a fun fact to share.
Verdict? not bad
Buy Again? probably!
Buy Again? probably!
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