[New for Nov 2024] My wife offered to bring home shakes from Cold Stone on Tuesday, so it seemed like a good time to check their website to see what's new. It looks like they have two new flavors right now, Double Chocolate Malt and....

Raspberry White Chocolate (Milkshake)
I only needed one sip to realize that I had made the wrong choice. It's not that it's terrible, and it's not that I didn't finish it (because I hate wasting), but it's just so strong. It's way too much. The raspberry component is doublely (if not triply) as strong as it needs to be. It doesn't taste fake necessarily, but there's just too much raspberry flavor.
Granted, I know that probably sounds dumb on first read, but it's the truth. My brain was thinking about a wonderful black raspberry shake with a kick of white chocolate sweetness, but instead I got what tastes like a shake made from extra strong red raspberry sherbet. Yes, the white chocolate is still a factor, but it's just not in proper balance with the raspberry.
Maybe a shake that was half raspberry white chocolate and half something else would work better.
In hindsight, I should have asked for the Choco-lotta Malt which is a shake made from the double chocolate malt ice cream and Kit Kat bars. Seriously, why did I not pick that first?
Verdict? too potent
Buy Again? nope
Buy Again? nope
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