[New for 2024] Many of you know these two things about me: One, I adore ice cream sandwiches, and two, I have a real problem with letting things temper long enough. I'm just too impatient when I'm hungry.... so impatient that I already ate one of these sandwiches when the free samples from Klimon arrived. I didn't let it temper enough the first time, and I have a better understanding of Klimon after reviewing the pints, so let's wait a few minutes before trying this one again.

Klimon Goldie Luxe Frozen Dessert Sandwich
vanilla frozen dessert between two (sugar?) cookies

It looks like there is a maybe little more ice cream than cookie, but not by a lot. It also looks a little faded/grey, but I lost the sun as the dark clouds took over the sky.
I take a bite, and yup, its tempered... well, tempered enough anyway!
Now I know I like the filling by itself, so if it doesn't click, I'm blaming the cookies.
I think the cookies would be better if they were a little less sticky and a little more gritty.
I think that while the vanilla is good on its own, I'm thinking that the cookies accentuate the non-dairy-ness of this treat... but let me put it another way. The overall flavor reminds me of whole wheat bread. The texture is fine, but it's that bread flavoring that is throwing me off the most.
As the filling continues to soften, the treat does grow on me more. I can't say that I would crave these, but if you put one in front of me, I would totally eat it.
Actually, let me put that another way too. If I ever see the "choco express" version of these, I'm totally picking it up to see how well it works.
While trying to verify the flavoring of the cookies, I came across the news that Klimon is expanding it's availability to 7-Eleven, including this sandwich in particular.
Note: Besides Goldie Luxe and Choco Express, they also have Churro Chata, Ride or Chai, and Banana! Scream Pie flavors. Which would you try first?
Disclaimer: Thanks to Klimon for sending these free samples over. I know I'm not the target audience, but I appreciate the chance to try them. I may not love this sandwich in particular, but Klimon has a solid lineup on their hands and I wish them the best.
Verdict? needs a little tweaking
Buy Again? I want to try the other varieties at some point
If I had to choose a first pic, I'd probably go with Choco Express simply because the vanilla version did not even have chocolate chips in it anywhere. Maybe I just adore chipwich too much because it feels like it needs that extra something.
ReplyDeleteI would probably pick banana or chai first, but all five sound worthy of a shot.