Monday, January 27, 2025

New Ben & Jerry's for 2025

I was a little confused why we were seeing lots of good stuff from everyone except Ben & Jerry's, but an eagle eyed reader noticed some more new stuff on their website. Yay! I'm happier now!

Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Covered Strawberry Ice Cream
strawberry ice cream with a strawberry jam swirl & fudge flakes

I love strawberry ice cream, so this makes me very happy, but wait, there's more!

New Ben & Jerry's Sundaes! The funny thing is that @sven_and_jerrys posted about these hitting Germany way back January 2022! Both countries now have the Cookie Vermont-ster and Dulce De-lish flavors. CV looks like Milk & Cookies turned into a sundae, so that's fun. We also get Choco-lotta Cheesecake and Turtle Sundae. Wait, has B&J's done a chocolate cheesecake flavor before? I don't think so! Man, that's cool, and I also love that Turtle Sundae has a pretzel swirl.

Dear B&J's, I forgive you for the boring Scoop-apalooza lineup. This totally makes up for it!

*all photo rights belong to Ben & Jerry's


  1. This sort of feels like an excuse to put less ice cream in a pint. ...Doesn't mean I don't want to give them a try, though. :)

    1. Good point. They do look interesting though.

  2. That looks excellent. 2025 looks so much more exciting than the 2024 new offerings did.

    Thank you for gathering all this information!

  3. So I tried the Choco-lotta Cheesecake and the Cookie Vermonster.

    Choco-latte Cheesecake: This one was really good, but I thought the cheesecake factor was pretty subtle. There are no cheesecake chunks but the cheesecake flavor is in the ice cream itself. With the copious whipped topping on top, it honestly reminded me more of a French Silk Pie ice cream…which isn’t a bad thing at all, just different than I was expecting.

    Cookie Vermonster: I also enjoyed it, but it was a little less interesting to me relative to the Choco-Latta flavor. Almost seemed more like a cookies and cream flavor than anything else.


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