Monday, March 10, 2025

Ben & Jerry's Choco-lotta Cheesecake Sundae

[New for Early 2025] Snack time! I need chocolate to wake me up!

Ben & Jerry's Choco-lotta Cheesecake Sundae
chocolate cheesecake ice cream with chocolate cookies & chocolate cookie swirls topped with fudge-swirled whipped topping & sea salt fudge chunks

Fun times ahead!

I did let this one tempter a little longer than usual (aka 5+ minutes rather than 5+ seconds).

I take my first bite and think of.... coconut? oh, yup, there is some in here. Is it coming from the chocolate syrup or somewhere else? I think it's the ice cream (or something in the ice cream).

Yeah, I'm not getting a cheesecake vibe... I mean, these sundae-like scoops are fun and all, but...

Look, I love the texture of this chocolate (cheesecake) ice cream. There are these big huge chunks of cookies that are going great with the melting chocolate. I have eaten and enjoyed half of this pint, but as often happens, I don't get it. Why does this taste like coconut instead of cheesecake?

Oh me... oh my... part of me wants to finish the whole thing right now.

On Second Scoop: New day and I think I like this one even more. No, I don't appreciate the mild coconut taste replacing the promised cheesecake taste, but I adore the texture on this one. It feels like every bite of ice cream is packed with cookie texture. Oh, and the way the chocolate of the ice cream blends with the chocolate of the cookies. So good. I actually decided to stop myself with a bit left because I wanted the joy of this one to last one more day. I'm going to wait for feedback to see if anyone else gets the coconut vibe, but after that, I do expect to buy more of these.

Verdict?  the texture is fantastic!
Buy Again?  yup!

click for nutrition facts and ingredients


  1. I actually went to food lion to get 2 pints of each of the 4 flavors. But I accidentally got 4 of this chocolate cheesecake because, sadly, turtle was nowhere to be found. So I have tried 3 of the 4 flavors. My boyfriend and children also have tasted the same ones. We liked Vermonster the best, then Dulce delish and finally the one you just reviewed. I did not get a coconut vibe (but we do love coconut), but we thought the cheesecake was a bit lost. Maybe if the topping had been more of a contrast to the chocolate, then something other than their mild chocolate base would have stood out. That being said, we liked these sundae flavors better than their new bigger pints which have felt very plain by contrast. On all of the sundae flavors we have added more whipped cream. The whipped cream included (even when tempered) has felt like an extension of the ice cream as I believe you noted as well in your previous review. We agree that we would like to see more flavors though. I just picked up the new Talenti ones (snickerdoodle, tiramisu, etc) so I'm going to see how they compare as well.

  2. In my efforts to find the chocolate covered strawberry, all I could find was the new Turtle Sundae. Eating the first half was sweet and delicious, but then all the mixins went away. The rest of the time was 2 chocolate covered almonds. Very disappointed, but it was on sale at Shoprite fir $3.99 so it was worth the shot

    1. Ok, interesting. I think part of the trick is spacing out what's on top so that you get some consistency throughout your scoops.


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